THE 1973 ARABIAN HORSE WHO'S WHO AND FORUM. This is an unusual Publication, a rare find in very good condition
Write ups on: NIGA - great Arabian stallion GAMAAR - 'I guess the story of Gamaar began the day Mr.Gainey decided to breed his lovely Ferzon Daughter, Gay-Rose...' DURRAL - 'What can one say about an old horse one has had for nearly twenty years and loved even before that.... ' Legend of Ishmael and Gabrael -by Carl Raswan,-- in the traditional history of the Bedouin , full of poetic and romantic lore...."to you he( God) has vouchsafed the best friend who though not as a slave yet serves you with out abasing himself, because you will not be his master but his possessor, Caretaker and Friend, and he will possess your heart. He cannot talk with you , but he can understand you a friend who carries no weapon , but defends you surely , and guards you, who possesses nothing but makes you richer than a ruler... " Egyptian Section THE ELEGANT EGYPTIANS - *Bint Moniet El Nefous the Epitome of Egyptian Type HALLANY MISTANNY - The elegant Egyptians have been with us since the Babson importation in the 1930's... RASHAD IBN NAZEER-By Richard Pritzlaff -- Rashad was foaled at the Egyptian Agricultural Organization at Ein Shams near Cairo on April 11, 1955 ...huge article containing many photo's , great information on Rashad and his pedigree. A tribute to*MORAFIC - nice write up by Rhita McNair with photos *ANWARR E.A.O. - write up and photo FERZON - Sire of Sires A salute to Ferzon - 'How often have we been mesmerized by stallions of great beauty and dream pedigree only to find as the years pass that they do not breed on ? Ferzon was between three and four months old when first I saw him.. ' WONDERFUL POLISH SECTION THE PROUD POLISH ARABIANS Speed - Style - Action HOW TO BREED ARABIAN HORSES BY Dr. Edward Skorkowski -- lots of wonderful very old photo's and great information...fantastic reading AMIMEX - SOLE EXPORTER OF HORSES IN POLAND - Poland exports at present over 100,000 horses a year... HORSE BREEDING IN NATIONAL STUDS - - The principal task of national horse studs in Poland is to breed top pedigrees....more great reading POLISH PURE-BRED ARABIANS BEYOND THE OCEAN - Continuing the traditions of their predecessors in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries... great read!! THE ARABIAN GELDING - we proudly salute the most courageous horse in the world... WHO'S WHO DISPLAY- LOTS OF GREAT PHOTOS IN THIS SECTION WHO'S WHO LISTING - the listing tells you: Name, farm name, address, phone, number of horses, bloodlines, stock for sale? Activities and stallions and fees. FORUM '73 - Results of the 1973 Questionnaire Questionnaire includes: 1-Favorite Class at the All Arab Shows 2- Class Like Least 3-Living Stallion you'd most like to own 4-Stallion of Yesteryear you would have liked to own 5- Living mare you'd most like to won 6-Mare of yesteryear you would have liked to own 7- Living person who has done the most for the Arabian in America 8-Deceased person who did the most for the Arabian in America 9- Can we breed for racing and maintain type 10-Are we overemphasizing the park horse? 18 QUESTIONS ANSWERED ...interesting commentaries to read and look at where we are now!!! A MUST HAVE FOR ANY ARABIAN LOVER AND COLLECTOR